STN Backlights
Super Twisted Nematic (STN) LCDs have a blueish tint to their pixels. This is something to keep in mind when choosing a backlight option for STN type LCDs because of how the contrast is affected with the backlight both off and on.
STN-Positive (+) Gray :
Display Backlight is OFF |
Blue LED Backlight |
Orange LED Backlight |
Pure-Green LED Backlight |
White LED Backlight |
Yellow/Green LED Backlight |
Red LED Backlight |
STN-Positive (+) Yellow/Green :
Display Backlight is OFF |
Yellow/Green LED Backlight |
Pure-Green LED Backlight |
STN-Negative (-) Blue :
Display Backlight is OFF |
White LED Backlight |
FSTN Backlights
Film Compensated Super Twisted Nematic (FSTN) LCDs can achieve higher contrast with a darker black shade in their pixels. This still should be considered when selecting a backlight option and whether usage for both off and on status will be needed in the application.
FSTN-Positive (+) :
Display Backlight is OFF |
Blue LED Backlight |
Orange LED Backlight |
Pure-Green LED Backlight |
White LED Backlight |
Amber LED Backlight |
Red LED Backlight |
FSTN-Negative (-) :
Display Backlight is OFF |
Blue LED Backlight |
Orange LED Backlight |
Pure-Green LED Backlight |
White LED Backlight |
Amber LED Backlight |
Red LED Backlight |