Help: NHD-0216S3Z-FL-GBW-V3 python modules for use over i2c
I'd like to use my new 16x2 LCD display over i2c on Raspberry Pi (actually a Rock64 running Armbian, but same diff).
My display is the NHD-0216S3Z-FL-GBW-V3.
I've been reading up on the RPLCD library (, which looks like a nice modular library to use.
The docs are over here:
They support the PCF8574, MCP23008 and MCP23017 I2C port expanders.
The supported character map A00 is exactly the same as the 0A (english+japanese) character mapping from the ST7066, which seems to be an advantageous feature of RPLCD.
So I installed it on my Rock64, changed the i2c address to the appropriate one (0x28, port0 in my case), and attempted to run this simple program:
from RPLCD.i2c import CharLCD
import time
lcd = CharLCD(i2c_expander='PCF8574', address=0x28, port=0, cols=16, rows=2, dotsize=8, charmap=A00)
lcd.write_string('Hello World')
and the display reads:
ǁǁ$ a`aaǁ
or something like that.
You'll notice that I specified (naively) the PCF8574 i2c expander, since specifying an expander is necessary. I have tried the other combinations of port expanders (MCP23008 and MCP23017) with different but no intelligible results.
So my question is, how shall I modify the RPLCD library code to make it work with the NHD-0216S3Z?
I think I would need to add a "port expander" config, let's call it 'PIC16F690', since that's the name of the controller for this display. It would use the same codec as 'A00'.
From page 7 of the spec ( it also seems to require some additional syntax for control commands, such as the command prefix 0xFE.
Can anyone please have a look at and and suggest some things I might need to change to get it working?
Also, I have no idea about the relevance of the port expander pin mappings (for example: and how they might relate to the PIC16F690 we are using.
Many thanks!
I've just been using SMBus to send commands directly to i2c, along the lines of what has been attempted here:,2024.0.html
I can display individual characters occasionally, sometimes these are not the ones requested. I can request to check the baud rate which appears about 5% of the time, and clear the screen, which happens rarely.
I think I know the answer. The i2c on a lot of these devices, including RPi, Rock64, even Arduino, clocks at around 100 kHz. However the NHD-0216S3Z-FL-GBW-V3 datasheet mentions the maximum clock frequency of 50 kHz! So that explains why the display shows the right characters only occasionally.
Newhaven dudes, I suspect you might need to increase your i2c clock frequency on this particular LED display module to make it compatible with a wider range of devices.
One way to test this could be to rebuild an Armbian distribution (or such like) with default i2c clock frequency of 40-50 kHz. Or this might be configurable on the latest Raspberry Pi, by editing the /boot/config.txt file and adding:dtparam=i2c_arm=on,i2c_arm_baudrate=50000
0 -
Hi Falcon,
Thanks for your update on this as it sounds like you now have it working with a clock rate of 50 khz.
The RPLCD Python library looks like a good option to consider using when programming for this character display.
Best Regards,0
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