NHD-0108CZ-FL-GBW initialization
I had this NHD-0108CZ-FL-GBW display working once but now I can't get it working again.
attached is the schematic and code
Since I can not add 5 attachments, here is the mail code:
#define _XTAL_FREQ 32000000
unsigned char LED_uc;
unsigned int Count_ui;
unsigned char Digit_1_uc, Digit_2_uc, Digit_3_uc;
unsigned char LED_uc, LED_Digit_Ptr_uc;
void main(void){
#define _XTAL_FREQ 32000000
Update_NHD(5, 5, 5);
while (1){}
Hi Glenn,
The schematic in your attachment is showing that the display is connected for 4-bit parallel mode, but the data lines are connected to DB0-DB3.
In order to configure this display for 4-bit parallel mode, the data lines would need to be connected to DB4-DB7.
Please try this wiring configuration and let us know if this solves the problem.
Best Regards,0
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