Regarding Connection of LCD NHD-C0216AZ-FSW-GBW
We have brought 16x2 Character LCD - NHD-C0216AZ-FSW-GBW. We are facing problem in integrating this LCD with Arduino Uno as follows,
1. We are using your standard code which provided on the NewHaven's Site. In the code we are not able to find how we can connect the D4 to D7 pin to Arduino Uno where as for RS, RW and E pins given pin number to connect with Arduino uno in code.
Thanks & Regards,
Sahil Rajpurkar,
Project Research Assistant,
BETiC, IIT Bombay, India.
1. We are using your standard code which provided on the NewHaven's Site. In the code we are not able to find how we can connect the D4 to D7 pin to Arduino Uno where as for RS, RW and E pins given pin number to connect with Arduino uno in code.
Thanks & Regards,
Sahil Rajpurkar,
Project Research Assistant,
BETiC, IIT Bombay, India.
Hi Sahil,
The code is for using a 4-bit Parallel Interface. D4 toD7 are not used.
DDRD = 0xFF; // First 4 pins of PORT D as output (Pins D0,D1,D2,D3)
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