Customer Project: Car data panel
I'm working on a project for my car that will show boost pressure, tyre data and oil temperature (also battery voltage) on a single touch screen display in the centre console.
I have a prototype almost complete, using a Teensy 4.0 and Nextion display, which works pretty well but suffers from a relatively narrow viewing angle and poor visibility in strong light, so I'm thinking of doing a new version with a NHD-4.3-480272FT-CSXN-T
Does anyone have experience of using these displays with a Teensy 4.0? Can I use the supplied Arduino libraries without complication?
I'm not very good at coding, btw, and tend to copy and adapt code rather than writing from scratch, so any pointers to similar projects with this type of Newhaven display would be appreciated ;-)
I have had a quick look over examples and code listed by Newhaven – and thanks, btw, guys and gals for providing plenty of resources - but at first glance this looks a *great* deal more complicated than the code I've been messing with to get my v1 system up and running.
Pic attached of current project… I'd plan on doing the same thing as here, with a series of bitmaps to animate the boost gauge and LED bar graph for oil temp (not illuminated here), and text/number fields for the other data
Hi Zogster,
Take a look at the Gameduino Library for the EVE2 based NHD-4.3-480272FT-CSXV-CTP display module as this library will support the Teensy.
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