Touch Issue with NHD-4.3-800480FT-CSXP-CTP



  • Ted M.
    NHD Staff

    Hi streetec,

    Sorry to hear you are having this issue.
    Please let us know if you are running the example code, and also confirm that it is the Capacitive touchscreen version.
    The Capacitive touchscreen will not require a calibration to function properly with this display module.


  • streetec

    Hi Ted,
    thanks for the very fast answer 
    I am using the example code of RudolphRiedels FT800-FT813 library, as the FTDI Example is running on AVRs only...
    I am using a capacitive touch version, of the written type in the title.

    I added the source:

  • Ted M.
    NHD Staff

    Thanks for sharing the EVE libraries from RudolphRiedels.  We are interested to know if the library is compatible with our display module so I have made a request to see if it has been tested.
    We hope to hear from him to confirm this and I have linked the request below for your reference.

    In the mean time, please review our example Arduino code on Github for the CTP code settings that work with our display.
    I hope this is useful. Here are some settings from the FT_Gpu.h file:


    Best Regards,

  • streetec

    as suggested at GitHub, I tried using the CONFIG of the 7" Screen. The Display is working fine again, but no touch.

    Could you please clarify which registers do need to be set with which values to make touch working? I tried exactly the configuration from your example for avrs but it is not wokring.

    Obviously the communication between the MCU and the FT813 is not the problem...

    I guess it is just a matter of configuration

  • Ted M.
    NHD Staff

    Hi streetec,

    The FT813 EVE2 will work without special configuration for the CTP's Focaltech FT 5426 controller.

    A test of the display hardware using an Arduino UNO with the Arduino shield interface may be a good idea to confirm the CTP touchscreen is working properly at the 800x480 resolution.

    Part # NHD-FT81x-SHIELD:

    Please review and try using this example code for the 800x480 version of the 4.3" EVE2 TFT with an Arduino Uno:


  • streetec

    I have bought the shield as well as the cable. I connected verything with
    A.) a geniune Arduino Uno
    B.) a geniune Arduino Mega 2560

    both showed no reaction to the display at all.

    I added some lines of logging and found, that when initializing the display, chip_id is always 0x3C (should be 0x7C).

    Now I have two Displays, the Shield and still nothing is working and I am really getting upset. I was looking forward to use one of your displays in a product I am currently developing, but due to the struggle in getting this to run I am thinking about looking for a nother supplier.

    How can it be that even with your shield and a geniune Arduino Uno it is not working?! To be clear, now not only touch is not working, but the whole display isn't

  • Ted M.
    NHD Staff

    Hi streetec,

    Sorry to hear you are still having troubles getting this working.
    The NHD-4.3-800480FT-CSXP-CTP display has been tested to work using the NHD-FT81x-SHIELD with the Arduino Uno, and running the example code listed in the following Github link, out of the box without any extra configuration.

    Please send us an email at with some pictures of your configuration and we can assist you directly.

    Best Regards,


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