NHD-0420CW-AG3 MPU Interface Pin Selection and Power Supply



  • Guest

    You are correct.  To enable the 8-bit parallel 6800 interface you would connect BS0 and BS1 to ground and connect BS2 to +5V.  You don't need a resistor on BS2.

    You are also correct that pin 2 should not be connected if you are going to use a 5V power source to power the display.  Only pin 3 needs to be connected to +5V.

  • blaubaer

    Dear Reteesh,

    thanks for the quick response!

    The NHD-0420CW-AG3 display is still not working. Let me shortly point out what I did so far:

    I've the NHD-0420DZW-AY5 display in use in my application and it's working fine. Now I saw the NHD-0420CW-AG3 within your OLED display product range and would like to take this display, because the pcb and the display itself is smaller and fits mechanically better into my application.

    The NHD-0420DZW-AY3 spec says, that the display is by default in 6800-MPU parallel interface mode, so I set the NHD-0420CW-AG3 with connections pin BS0 and BS1 to ground and pin BS2 to +5V into the same interface mode, connected pin 3 to +5V, did not connect pin2, connected RS to D/C (pin4), R/W, E, the data connections and ground to pin 1 and 20.

    What did I wrong? Do you have an idea?

    Thanks and regards,

  • Guest

    On the new display (NHD-0420CW-AG3) there are two additional pins:

    Pin 15 = CS (Chip Select) Active LOW
    Pin 16 = RES (Reset Signal) Active LOW

    Have you set these pins?  If not then set CS to LOW and RES to HIGH. 

  • blaubaer
    Hi Retheesh,
    On the new display (NHD-0420CW-AG3) there are two additional pins:

    Pin 15 = CS (Chip Select) Active LOW
    Pin 16 = RES (Reset Signal) Active LOW

    Have you set these pins?  If not then set CS to LOW and RES to HIGH.
    no, but I'll do that immediately!  

    Thanks so far,
    « Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 10:14:18 AM by blaubaer »
  • blaubaer

    Hi Retheesh,

    now basically it works, but characters are mirrored - I will recheck the solder joints....


  • Guest

    Glad to hear you got it working.  When you say mirrored, are you talking about the text printing in the opposite direction (right to left) or that the characters are actually backwards?

  • blaubaer

    The text is printed from right to left and in a mirror I can read it...

  • Guest

    Can you post your initialization function?

  • blaubaer

    This may take a while - I didn't code it!

    I'll come back to you when I got it!

    Regards, Michael

  • Guest
    This could be why you're having problems with this board.  Some of our OLED displays require a specific initialization sequence in order to function properly.  For this display, the specification sheet has an Arduino coded initialization function at the end of the PDF, or page 22.  It should help you out on how to create an initialization function.

    Edit: Above code is not Arduino code, it is for another development board.  It is there to give you an idea on how the display should be initialized.  I apologize for the confusion.
    « Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 11:00:23 AM by Retheesh_M »
  • blaubaer

    Dear Retheesh,

    thanks for your immediate help - really fast response!! Nice support forum here!

    I'll check and change the initialization sequence and report the result here later.


  • Guest

    No problem :) I also edited my previous post because I said the end of the specification sheet has Arduino code when it is not.  They look pretty similar and that code can be easily changed to fit an Arduino if that is what you are using as an MCU.  Otherwise use it as a guide to help you code an initialization function to fit your MCU.  I apologize for the confusion.

  • markdpend

    Hi, What happens if one does connect pin-2 to VDD?

  • oldmaker

    Hi, markdpend.
    It's OK: Newhaven updated the datasheet.
    This is the correct configuration:

    - 5V operation:
    OLED pin 1  ->  VSS   Ground
    OLED pin 2  ->  VDD   +5V
    OLED pin 3  ->  REGVDD   +5V

    - 2.8V operation:
    OLED pin 1  ->  VSS   Ground
    OLED pin 2  ->  VDD   +2.8V
    OLED pin 3  ->  REGVDD   0V


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