NHD-C0220BiZ-FSW-FBW-3V3M Problem -- Doesn't power on



  • Paul_B

    Hello Sukho!

    I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you are having with NHD-C0220BiZ-FSW-FBW-3V3M. Before you can really use the LCD, you must initialize and configure it. This is accomplished by sending a number of initialization instructions to the LCD.

    Please see our "Example Initialization Program" listed on page 11 in the displays datasheet:


    Next, it would be helpful to verify your wiring / pinout. Feel free to post it below.

    Finally the pin connection / wiring diagram in the displays datasheet is correct. The pin numbering listed in the mechanical drawing 8 - 1 (left to right) is there to help distinguish the correct pin order.

    Please following the pin description table listed on page 4 in the displays datasheet and take special note of where pin 1 is located on the physical display when wiring.

    Hope this helps!

  • seilcomp

    Hi, Paul;

    Thank you for your kind reply.

    But you didn't answer my question. "Shouldn't the LCD respond by lighting up the screen, when power is connected to VDD and VSS?".

    I connected the wires according to page 4. But I haven't done anything to initialize the LCD with the software yet. Nothing is happening yet. Is this expected behavior of the LCD? Are you sure that the LCD is acting normal?

    I attach the picture of my hookup with MSP430F5528 EVM (I tried by the file was too large...)

    The connections are like below;

    RST -> VSS
    SDA -> P4.1 (PM_UCB1SDA) ->  GPIO1
    SCL -> P4.2 (PM_UCB1SCL) -> GPIO2
    VSS -> Board voltage reference
    VDD -> 3.3V of the board
    VOUT -> VSS via 1uF tantalum capacitor
    C1+ & CI1- connected via 1uF tantalum capacitor
    10k ohm pull-up resistor connecting SDA and VDD
    10k ohm pull-up resistor connecting SCL and VDD

    As I told you I bought 2 pieces. I'm testing only 1 of it and the other set hasn't been removed out of the box. So, if things clear up, I'll test the other one.

    I await your kind help.


  • Paul_B

    Hi Sukho,

    To answer your question, No you will not see any characters appear on the LCD. Before you can really use the LCD, you must initialize and configure it. This is accomplished by sending a number of initialization instructions to the LCD.

  • Saurabh_B
    Also the RESET pin is active LOW.

    Connect that to VDD or a GPIO pin that is HIGH.
  • seilcomp

    Hello Paul. Thank you again.

    I didn't expect to see "CHARACTORS" appear on the LCD. I know that much. What I said was it doesn't seem to "POWER ON" even when the power is applied.. Shouldn't it show me that it's not dead, at least, by way of lightening on the screen?


  • Saurabh_B

    Hi Sukho,

    If you would like to power on the displays backlight you will need to apply 3V @30mA (Typ.) respectively to the Anode and Cathode pins.

    The wiring diagram (See page 4) shows the anode A connected to power (upward facing triangle) and the cathodes are shown connected to ground (downwards facing triangles).



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