

  • Paul_B

    Hi Joseph,

    Below is some example code for that display written for the Arduino

    Regarding the pin out, please see page 4 in the displays datasheet: 
    You will need to select a interface that best supports your needs. Finally the example code can be configured to support multiple interfaces (See line 48).

    Enjoy your new display!

  • josephchrzempiec

    Thank you very much for the information I will try it when I get my display.

  • josephchrzempiec

    Hello is there a simple text  sample i can try with this oled?

  • Paul_B

    Hi Joseph!

    There are plenty of user created Arduino Libraries written for the SSD1351 controller. I recommend searching in google for "SSD1351 Arduino library".

    Hope this helps, feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

  • josephchrzempiec

    Hello okay it's the SSD1351 library thank you. i didn't know that

  • josephchrzempiec

    Hello Paul i was wondering if there was a schematic of this display and what parts are being used i would like to somehow integrate this oled into my project? can you please help me out?

  • Paul_B

    Hi Joseph,

    I'm sorry, unfortunately we do not have a public schematic available for this display.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • josephchrzempiec

    Not a problem just wondering that is all the way it is now is okay Something down the road in the future may need to have it on the same board as my micro processor that's all.

  • josephchrzempiec

    I just received my Oled in today 20 pins on it. and i looked at the datasheet for the pinout but I'm a little confused on it.

    it's got in the sample sketch

    #define   SDI_PIN    1    // SDI (serial mode) signal connected to pin 1
    #define   SCL_PIN    0    // SCL (serial mdoe) signal connected to pin 0
    #define    RS_PIN    8    // RS signal connected to pin 8
    #define    RW_PIN    9    // R/W (6800 mode) signal connected to pin 9
    #define    WR_PIN    9    // /WR (8080 mode) signal connected to pin 9
    #define     E_PIN   10    // E (6800 mode) signal connected to pin 10
    #define    RD_PIN   10    // /RD (8080 mode) signal connected to pin 10
    #define   RES_PIN   11    // /RES signal connected to pin 11
    #define    CS_PIN   12    // /CS signal connected to pin 12
    #define   BS1_PIN   A0    // BS1 signal connected to pin A0
    #define   BS0_PIN   A1    // BS0 signal connected to pin A1
    #define   LVL_DIR   A2    // DIR (direction control) signal of level shifter IC connected to pin A2
    #define   LVL_OEN   A3    // /OE (output enable) signal of level shifter IC connected to pin A3

    and in the datasheet it has

    1 GND Power Supply Ground
    2 VDD Power Supply Supply Voltage for OLED and logic.
    3 NC  ‐ No Connect
    4 D/C MPU Register select signal. D/C=0: Command, D/C=1: Data
    Tie LOW for 3‐wire Serial Interface.
    5‐6 VSS Power Supply Ground
    7 SCLK MPU Serial Clock signal.
    8 SDIN MPU Serial Data Input signal.
    9 NC  ‐ No Connect
    10‐14 VSS Power Supply Ground
    15 GND Power Supply Ground
    16 /RES MPU Active LOW Reset signal.
    17 /CS MPU Active LOW Chip Select signal.
    18 GND Power Supply Ground
    19 BS1 MPU MPU Interface Select signal.
    20 BS0 MPU MPU Interface Select signal.

    i figure out some pins like the VCC and VDD and a few others but I'm using a uno board for test and i need help figuring out what pins go where can someone please help me on that.

  • josephchrzempiec

    Hello Paul I'm still stuck which pins from the display does to my Arduino Uno board to make it work? Can you please help me out? Thank you.

  • Paul_B

    Hello Joseph,

    I recommend you use the 4-wire SPI interface when first starting out  

    The serial interface pinout can be viewed on page 4 in the displays datasheet: 

    Be sure to take special note of the MPU Interface Pin Selections table, see page 4. Pin BS0 & BS1 will determine the interface selection.

    E.g. In your case when using the 4-wire SPI interface BS0 and BS1 will both need to be tied LOW (GND).

    Finally, you will need to modify the Arduino_OLED_128128.ino file so it selects the correct interface.

    Edit line 48 from:

    const unsigned char interface = 1;    // 0 = 8-bit parallel (6800 mode) interface; 1 = 8-bit parallel (8080 mode) interface; 2 = 4-wire SPI interface


    const unsigned char interface = 2;    // 0 = 8-bit parallel (6800 mode) interface; 1 = 8-bit parallel (8080 mode) interface; 2 = 4-wire SPI interface

    Hope this helps!

  • Paul_B

    Be sure to also look up the Arduino UNO's pinout when you begin to wire up your display

  • josephchrzempiec
    Sense there is so many pin layouts for this oled this is what I'm confused about because it says pin 19 and pin 20 on page 5 of the datasheet says for the 4-wire it says VDD - Ground. Now on page 4 of the datasheet in the serial it says pin 19 and pin 20 is Ds1 and Ds0 this is a bit confusing for me. So i do not know which pinout to follow or if the sketch pinout define is wrong i do not know.
  • Saurabh_B
    I think you're looking at the pictures and taking those positions as pin outs. you want to use the pin out numbers listed on page 4. On page 5 the pins are backwards, so pin 1 and 2 on the sketch correspond to pins 20 and 19 respectively. They are also marked BS0 and BS1

    On page 4 its telling you that pins 19 and 20 are control pins that tell the display what interface it should expect. Using the last table on page 4 you can see that when both pins are tied to ground or logic 0, the display will behave in a 4 line SPI interface.

    Again the locations on the sketch are backwards. In general the sketches are drawn to show how the pins should be wired, and the pins wont be in the same location. You should always use the Interface Description to get accurate Pin locations.

    So you should have most of the pins tied to ground like the third image on page 5 suggests, and only 5 wires going from the Display to the digital outputs of the Arduino. for the rest that need to either be tied to ground or Vdd you should just get a breadboard and use the output from the Arduino for ground an Vdd and tie them together.
  • josephchrzempiec

    So pin 1 and 2 on the oled is ground and VDD but in the image on page 5  the 4-wire one it is Ds0 and Bs1. So i need to look at it from the right to the left on the image  for pin 1 and pin 2 on the oled display?

  • josephchrzempiec

    on pin 4 it says D/C but in the sketch example there is nothing for D/c does that get still connected and to which pin and what about the example sketch?

  • josephchrzempiec
    Hello i mange to get the oled wired up and i got something from it image is attached but something is off i see a little characters in the mess of colors but not sure what is wrong. Also the oled is really really warm to the touch that i can't touch it for long it's on 3.3v but something might be wrong I'm not sure. Can someone please help me out?

    « Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 06:21:53 PM by josephchrzempiec »
  • josephchrzempiec

    Not the oled itself the screen that gets warm but the little chip that is on the ribbon cable that gets warm.

  • josephchrzempiec

    I wired it up as 4-wire in the image on the datasheet  to the sketch pins on the example pinout   i also change the  const unsigned char interface = 1;   from 1 to 2 and when i power it up  i get that image there  not sure what I'm doing wrong maybe because I'm running the arduino at maybe 5v logic instead of 3.3v logic i do not know and it's messing up? at this point I'm stuck on what I'm doing wrong. But i thank Everybody for the help that got me this far.

  • Saurabh_B

    As for the heat the Arduino still uses 5V logic; you want to either modify the voltage regulator on the Arduino or you would need to use a level shifter to bring down the voltage to 3.3V. Although you might be using the 3V output from the Arduino itself to power the chip, the rest of the pins are still applying 5V.

    As for the D/C pin,  you do need to have that connected if you're running in 4 line mode. you're probably looking at the last picture which is the 3 line SPI interface. the D/C is a signal that will tell the display whether the incoming information is a command or data.

  • josephchrzempiec
    I wore it up as 4-wire as I the image I didn't understand where to connect the cc pin at I change the sketch from 1 to 2 for the 4-wire and that is the image I got unless I didn't something I'm not sure. And I'm not sure how to get it. To 3.3 logic instead of 5 I'm using 3.3v on the vdd as it needs to be but not sure how they 3.3v  on the logic side
  • Saurabh_B

    I'm not too sure what you mean by cc. But looking at your board the bottom right pin should be pin 1, above that is pin 2, one one on the the bottom next to 1 is 3. The on on the top left should be pin 20. Follow that along with the TABLE on page 4. the sketches again aren't always accurate.

    You are might be using the 3.3V output from the Arduino, but everything else going in is 5V. So you can do one of two things to stop it from heating up.

    1. Swap out the voltage regulator on the Arduino for a 3.3V and use a dc jack to power it something like 3.3 V Regulator on Mouser


    2. Get a level shifter to bring down the 5V coming from your Arduino digital pins to 3.3V. Something Like This

  • josephchrzempiec

    My Arduino uno has a 3.3v on there that is what I'm using to power up the screen with. I think something is wrong with the sketch

  • Saurabh_B
    But the rest of the pins you're using are at 5V. They need to be brought down to 3.3.

    What pin do you have D/C connected to on the Arduino?

    The example code is verified to work so long as everything is wired up correctly.
  • josephchrzempiec

    Hello can you tell me what pins from the oled display goes to the Arduino uno board if I use some resistors for testing to bring the logic level down to 3.3v then I think it be a good test then figure something out. I think either the pin out is wrong or something I did is wrong I do not know.

  • Saurabh_B
    #define   SDI_PIN    1    // SDI (serial mode) signal connected to pin 1
    #define   SCL_PIN    0    // SCL (serial mdoe) signal connected to pin 0
    #define    RS_PIN    8    // RS signal connected to pin 8
    #define    RW_PIN    9    // R/W (6800 mode) signal connected to pin 9
    #define    WR_PIN    9    // /WR (8080 mode) signal connected to pin 9
    #define     E_PIN   10    // E (6800 mode) signal connected to pin 10
    #define    RD_PIN   10    // /RD (8080 mode) signal connected to pin 10
    #define   RES_PIN   11    // /RES signal connected to pin 11
    #define    CS_PIN   12    // /CS signal connected to pin 12
    #define   BS1_PIN   A0    // BS1 signal connected to pin A0
    #define   BS0_PIN   A1    // BS0 signal connected to pin A1
    #define   LVL_DIR   A2    // DIR (direction control) signal of level shifter IC connected to pin A2
    #define   LVL_OEN   A3    // /OE (output enable) signal of level shifter IC connected to pin A3

    So the pins you need to have connected

    OLED                                                                                     Arduino/personal circuit
    1,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,15,18,19,20            |                         Ground
    2    Vdd                                                        |                         +3.3V
    4     D/C                                                       |                         Pin 8   [D/C is often referred to as RS (register select)]
    7 SCLK                                                         |                         Pin 0
    8 SDI                                                           |                        Pin 1
    16 /RES                                                       |                         Pin 11
    17 /CS                                                         |                         Pin 12

    Again I would recommend using a proper level shifting IC.

  • josephchrzempiec

    Hello what about the lvl_dir and the lvl_oen pins I don't see them on the data sheet  where are they on the display and the bs0 and bs1 goes to a0 and a1. ?

  • josephchrzempiec

    The 4050 I see around is a level shifter correct that is what I'm missing I think

  • Saurabh_B

    Those are pins that would be on a level shifter and not the OLED. 4050 is the part number for level shifter

    By any chance do you have another MCU that is 3.3V instead?

  • josephchrzempiec

    I have a Arduino pro mini it's also 5v but I still run it on 3.3v all the time.


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