NHD-7.0-800480AF-ASXP - BIST_EN
On Pin 35 of the LCD connector there is the BIST_EN signal:
Built in Self-Test
BIST_EN=H: Self-Test Enabled
BIST_EN-L: Normal Operation (Default)
Can this pin be left floating (unconnected) for default behaviour, or does the pin need to be connected to MCU GPIO, or directly to GND if not used?
Also, are there any more details / description + screenshots available for this mode? What does it do exactly? I couldn't mind any information on it.
Official comment
You will want to make sure that the BIST_EN pin does not float High, it should not be left floating and should be tied to GND or MCU controlled. By default, the FPC comes with a 10Kohm resistor populated on R13 that ties BIST_EN to gnd. If you want to MCU control the BIST_EN pin you can then remove the resistor. If you want to purposely enable BIST_EN, you can populate R12 either with a solder jumper or 0Ohm resistor. -
Thanks for confirming.
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