Recently bought NHD-2.4-240320CF-BSXV-F display to interface with b-u585i-iot02a. I checked sample code but not working?
I am interfacing NHD-2.4-240320CF-BSXV-F tft to b-u585i-iot02a using STM32 Cube Ide tool with spi2 peripheral. I checked with the sample code and tried it but not working. Can you share me code to work on STM32Cube Ide?
Pin 1(GND) --> Ground
Pin 2- 5--> not connected
Pin 6 (VDD)--> 3.3V
Pin 7 (VDDIO)--> 3.3V
Pin 8(MOSI)--> MOSI (PC1 on eval board)
Pin 9 (MISO)--> MISO (PB14 on eval board)
Pin 10(SCK) --> SCK (PB13 on eval board)
Pin 11(D/C) --> Ground (3 pin spi)
Pin 12 (CS)--> CS (PB12 on eval board)
Pin 13(RESET) --> RESET
Pin 14 (IM0)--> 3.3V (3 pin spi)
Pin 15 (IM1)---> ground (3pin spi)
Pin 16 (Led K1) ---> ground
Pin 17 (Led K2)---> ground
Pin 18 (Led K3)---> ground
Pin 19 (Led K4)---> ground
Pin 20(Led A+)---> 3.3V
Waiting for the prompt reply.
Thanks in advance.
When setting up any STM device, its best to use the STM32CubeIDE so that you can have it help you select the correct pins for the display.
When you create a project in STM32Cube you will have an .IOC file and this will have the interface needed to setup the device. You can enable the NSS or RDY signa if needed. Please see the image below. let us know if you have any other questions.
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