NHD-0216CW-AW3 dot pixel of LED character very dim
We use LCD character from newhaven and it work fine, But after open LCD to long time (more than 6 month) The some dot pixel of LCD has drop of brightness
When we print all square block we found dot pixel has drop is word that we show.
Hi Arima,
Thanks for your post. The phenomenon you are seeing appears to be image burn-in. This can occur when a static message is shown on the display for a long period of time. Unfortunately, there is not a way to reverse the effect of image burn-in.
We recommend the following practices to prevent image burn-in from occurring:
- Power off the display when not in use
- Use a screensaver
- Use a scrolling text to prevent the message from staying in the same position
- Lower the screen brightness or contrast
Please refer to our blog post and YouTube video below for additional information:
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