NHD-3.5-640480EF-MSXP Command SETMIPI
I was wondering how to set the MIPI DSI-related registers to use 4 lanes. I connected my screen via I2C (3.3V, GND, SDA, SCL) using an MCP2221 USB to I2C/UART converter. However, when I try to read or write, I receive a NACK. Additionally, when I scan to see if there are any addresses, nothing comes up.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi Julo,
Receiving the NACK implies that you are able to talk with the device. I would recommend first checking that you are addressing the correct registers specified by the FL7703NI specifications document.
0 -
Hi, thanks for the response. I double-checked, and I am sure I am addressing the right registers.
I was wondering if it has something to do with my DCX, CSX, and T_IM connections because the driver only has SPI inputs, but I want to do it in I2C.
0 -
Hi Julo,
As this display is not designed for communication over I2C directly, you would need to adjust your system for the MIPI-DSI protocol. Additionally, when the T_IM pin is held low, the CSX, DCX, SCL and SDA signals should be No Connect when test mode is disabled as described by the specifications document.
Can you clarify your connections either by sharing your wiring diagram here, or emailing us at nhtech@newhavendisplay.com. It is unclear to me how exactly you are connecting to the display and I would appreciate the further clarification.0 -
Here is my wiring table. I also have an RC circuit to ensure the correct delay on the reset pin.
However, if the I2C doesn't work directly, I will use SPI.
Thanks for the advice.
0 -
Hi Julo,
Thank you for clarifying with the additional information. The SPI lines on this display (pins 7 through 10) for the test mode are only used for the MPU to communicate with the LCD driver chip to set specific registers unrelated to the display data. As such, this mode can not be used for display communication.
0 -
Thank you for your answer. So, how do I send the command SETMIPI (BAh) in order to get 4 MIPI lanes without I2C and SPI? Or is it already the default setup?
0 -
Hi Julo,
The MIPI interface is the default setting of the display and you will need to be connected to the DSI lines. For your reference, I have attached a code sample of the initialization sequence for 4 lane. Please note that this example is designed for a different device, and commands that are unrelated to the FL7703NI can be ignored.
GP_COMMAD_PA(4);W_D(0xB9); /// Set EXTC
W_D(0xF1); //1
W_D(0x12); //2
W_D(0x87); //3
GP_COMMAD_PA(4);W_D(0xB2); ///Set RSO
W_D(0x78); //1 1024Gate(480+136*4+0)
W_D(0x14); //2 600RGB
W_D(0x70); //3
GP_COMMAD_PA(11);W_D(0xB3); /// SET RGB
W_D(0x10); //1 VBP_RGB_GEN
W_D(0x10); //2 VFP_RGB_GEN
W_D(0x28); //3 DE_BP_RGB_GEN
W_D(0x28); //4 DE_FP_RGB_GEN
W_D(0x03); //5
W_D(0xFF); //6
W_D(0x00); //7
W_D(0x00); //8
W_D(0x00); //9
W_D(0x00); //10
GP_COMMAD_PA(2);W_D(0xB4); // Set Panel Inversion
W_D(0x80); //1 //Zig-zag inversion type D
GP_COMMAD_PA(3);W_D(0xB5); /// Set BGP
W_D(0x0A); //1 vref
W_D(0x0A); //2 nvref
GP_COMMAD_PA(3);W_D(0xB6); /// Set VCOM
W_D(0x70); //1 F_VCOM
W_D(0x70); //2 B_VCOM
GP_COMMAD_PA(2);W_D(0xB8); ///Set ECP
W_D(0x26); //0x75 for 3 Power Mode);W_D(0x25 for Power IC Mode
GP_COMMAD_PA(28);W_D(0xBA); /// Set DSI
W_D(0x33); //1//33:4Lane);W_D(32:3Lane
W_D(0x81); //2
W_D(0x05); //3
W_D(0xF9); //4
W_D(0x0E); //5
W_D(0x0E); //6
W_D(0x20); //7
W_D(0x00); //8
W_D(0x00); //9
W_D(0x00); //10
W_D(0x00); //11
W_D(0x00); //12
W_D(0x00); //13
W_D(0x00); //14
W_D(0x44); //15
W_D(0x25); //16
W_D(0x00); //17
W_D(0x91); //18
W_D(0x0A); //19
W_D(0x00); //20
W_D(0x00); //21
W_D(0x01); //22
W_D(0x4F); //23
W_D(0x01); //24
W_D(0x00); //25
W_D(0x00); //26
W_D(0x37); //27
GP_COMMAD_PA(2);W_D(0xBC); /// Set VDC
W_D(0x47); //1
GP_COMMAD_PA(4);W_D(0xBF); ///Set PCR
W_D(0x02); //1
W_D(0x11); //2
W_D(0x00); //3
GP_COMMAD_PA(10);W_D(0xC0); /// Set SCR
W_D(0x73); //1
W_D(0x73); //2
W_D(0x50); //3
W_D(0x50); //4
W_D(0x00); //5 A0
W_D(0x00); //6
W_D(0x12); //7
W_D(0x73); //8
W_D(0x00); //9
GP_COMMAD_PA(18);W_D(0xC1); ///Set POWER
W_D(0x54); //1 VBTHS VBTLS 73
W_D(0x32); //3 VSPR
W_D(0x32); //4 VSNR
W_D(0x77); //5 VSP VSN
W_D(0xF4); //6 APS F1
W_D(0x77); //7 VGH3 VG3L
W_D(0x77); //8 VGH3 VGL3
W_D(0xCC); //9 VGH2 VGL2
W_D(0xCC); //10 VGH2 VGL2
W_D(0xFF); //11 VGH VGL
W_D(0xFF); //12 VGH VGL
W_D(0x11); //13
W_D(0x11); //14
W_D(0x00); //15
W_D(0x00); //16
W_D(0x31); //17 VSP VSN DET EN 32
GP_COMMAD_PA(13);W_D(0xC7); //
W_D(0x10); //1 enable VOUT output
W_D(0x00); //2
W_D(0x0A); //3
W_D(0x00); //4
W_D(0x00); //5
W_D(0x00); //6 setting VOUT at 3.3V
W_D(0x00); //7 HOUT SEL D6:D5 VOUT SEL D1:D0
W_D(0x00); //8 PWM SEL D1:D0
W_D(0x00); //11
W_D(0xA5); //12
GP_COMMAD_PA(5);W_D(0xC8); /// Set SCR
W_D(0x10); //1
W_D(0x40); //2
W_D(0x1E); //3
W_D(0x03); //4
GP_COMMAD_PA(2);W_D(0xCC); /// Set Panel
W_D(0x0B); //1 Forward:0x0B);W_D(Backward:0x07
GP_COMMAD_PA(35);W_D(0xE0); ///Set Asymmetric gamma2.2
W_D(0x00); //1
W_D(0x05); //2 04
W_D(0x09); //3 07
W_D(0x29); //4 28
W_D(0x3C); //5
W_D(0x3F); //6
W_D(0x3B); //7 38
W_D(0x37); //8 35
W_D(0x05); //9
W_D(0x0A); //10
W_D(0x0C); //11 0C
W_D(0x10); //12 11
W_D(0x13); //13
W_D(0x10); //14
W_D(0x13); //15
W_D(0x12); //16
W_D(0x1A); //17
W_D(0x00); //1
W_D(0x05); //2 04
W_D(0x09); //3
W_D(0x29); //4 28
W_D(0x3C); //5
W_D(0x3F); //6
W_D(0x3B); //7 38
W_D(0x37); //8 35
W_D(0x05); //9
W_D(0x0A); //10
W_D(0x0C); //11 0D
W_D(0x10); //12 11
W_D(0x13); //13
W_D(0x10); //14
W_D(0x13); //15
W_D(0x12); //16 13
W_D(0x1A); //17
GP_COMMAD_PA(8);W_D(0xE1); /// Set
W_D(0x11); //1
W_D(0x11); //2
W_D(0x91); //3
W_D(0x00); //4 D7:D5:VGH DET SEL/ D4:D0:VGL DET SEL
W_D(0x00); //5 D5:D0:VSN DET SE
W_D(0x00); //6 D5:D0:VSP DET SE
W_D(0x00); //7 D7:PUREN_IOVCC/ D6:D4:IOVCC PUR_SEL/ D3:D2:DCHG1/ D1:D0:DCHG2
GP_COMMAD_PA(15);W_D(0xE3); /// Set EQ
W_D(0x07); //1 PNOEQ 03
W_D(0x07); //2 NNOEQ 03
W_D(0x0B); //3 PEQGND
W_D(0x0B); //4 NEQGND
W_D(0x03); //5 PEQVCI 00
W_D(0x0B); //6 NEQVCI 07
W_D(0x00); //7 PEQVCI1
W_D(0x00); //8 NEQVCI1
W_D(0x00); //10 VCOM_PULLGND_OFF
W_D(0xFF); //11 VCOM_IDLE_ON
W_D(0x04); //12 D4:Source blk pre charge/ D3:1X1 PATTERN DET /D2:TCON USE DGC VS/ D1:D0:OPON DLY 84
W_D(0xC0); //13 defaut C0 ESD detect function D5:D4:ESD OPT P/ D3:D2:SD LE/ D1:SDOPBIAS/ D0:TCON HS SYNC SEL
W_D(0x10); //14 SLPOTP
GP_COMMAD_PA(64);W_D(0xE9); /// Set GIP
W_D(0x01); //1 PANSEL
W_D(0x00); //2 SHR_0[11:8]
W_D(0x0E); //3 SHR_0[7:0] 08
W_D(0x00); //4 SHR_1[11:8]
W_D(0x00); //5 SHR_1[7:0]
W_D(0xB0); //6 SPON[7:0]
W_D(0xB1); //7 SPOFF[7:0]
W_D(0x11); //8 SHR0_1[3:0]);W_D( SHR0_2[3:0]
W_D(0x31); //9 SHR0_3[3:0]);W_D( SHR1_1[3:0]
W_D(0x23); //10 SHR1_2[3:0]);W_D( SHR1_3[3:0]
W_D(0x28); //11 SHP[3:0]);W_D( SCP[3:0]
W_D(0x10); //12 CHR[7:0] 0A
W_D(0xB0); //13 CON[7:0]
W_D(0xB1); //14 COFF[7:0]
W_D(0x27); //15 CHP[3:0]);W_D( CCP[3:0]
W_D(0x08); //16 USER_GIP_GATE[7:0] 2A
W_D(0x00); //17 CGTS_L[21:16]
W_D(0x04); //18 CGTS_L[15:8] Gout11 STV
W_D(0x02); //19 CGTS_L[7:0] Gout2 STV
W_D(0x00); //20 CGTS_INV_L[21:16]
W_D(0x00); //21 CGTS_INV_L[15:8]
W_D(0x00); //22 CGTS_INV_L[7:0] GOUT5 INV 10
W_D(0x00); //23 CGTS_R[21:16]
W_D(0x04); //24 CGTS_R[15:8] Gout11 STV
W_D(0x02); //25 CGTS_R[7:0] Gout2 STV
W_D(0x00); //26 CGTS_INV_R[21:16]
W_D(0x00); //27 CGTS_INV_R[15:8]
W_D(0x00); //28 CGTS_INV_R[7:0] GOUT5 INV 10
W_D(0x88); //29 COS1_L[3:0] );W_D(COS2_L[3:0] );W_D(// VSTF4U VSTF2U
W_D(0x88); //30 COS3_L[3:0] );W_D(COS4_L[3:0] );W_D(//
W_D(0xBA); //31 COS5_L[3:0] );W_D(COS6_L[3:0] );W_D(// FLCA FLCB
W_D(0x60); //32 COS7_L[3:0] );W_D(COS8_L[3:0] );W_D(// VCK1 VCK3
W_D(0x24); //33 COS9_L[3:0] );W_D(COS10_L[3:0]);W_D(// VCK5 VCK7
W_D(0x08); //34 COS11_L[3:0]);W_D(COS12_L[3:0]);W_D(// VSTF1D VSTF3D
W_D(0x88); //35 COS13_L[3:0]);W_D(COS14_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //36 COS15_L[3:0]);W_D(COS16_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //37 COS17_L[3:0]);W_D(COS18_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //38 COS19_L[3:0]);W_D(COS20_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //39 COS21_L[3:0]);W_D(COS22_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //40 COS1_R[3:0] );W_D(COS2_R[3:0] );W_D(// VSTF3U VSTF1U
W_D(0x88); //41 COS3_R[3:0] );W_D(COS4_R[3:0] );W_D(//
W_D(0xBA); //42 COS5_R[3:0] );W_D(COS6_R[3:0] );W_D(// FLCA FLCB
W_D(0x71); //43 COS7_R[3:0] );W_D(COS8_R[3:0] );W_D(// VCK2 VCK4
W_D(0x35); //44 COS9_R[3:0] );W_D(COS10_R[3:0]);W_D(// VCK6 VCK8
W_D(0x18); //45 COS11_R[3:0]);W_D(COS12_R[3:0]);W_D(// VSTT2D VSTF4D
W_D(0x88); //46 COS13_R[3:0]);W_D(COS14_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //47 COS15_R[3:0]);W_D(COS16_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //48 COS17_R[3:0]);W_D(COS18_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //49 COS19_R[3:0]);W_D(COS20_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //50 COS21_R[3:0]);W_D(COS22_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x00); //51 TCONOPTION
W_D(0x00); //52 OPTION
W_D(0x00); //53 OTPION
W_D(0x01); //54 OPTION
W_D(0x00); //55 CHR2
W_D(0x00); //56 CON2
W_D(0x00); //57 COFF2
W_D(0x00); //58 CHP2);W_D(CCP2
W_D(0x00); //59 CKS 22 21 20 19 18 17
W_D(0x00); //60 CKS 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
W_D(0x00); //61 CKS 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
W_D(0x00); //62 COFF[7:6] CON[5:4] SPOFF[3:2] SPON[1:0]
W_D(0x00); //63 COFF2[7:6] CON2[5:4]
GP_COMMAD_PA(62);W_D(0xEA); /// Set GIP2
W_D(0x97); //1 ys2_sel[1:0]
W_D(0x0A); //2 user_gip_gate1[7:0]
W_D(0x82); //3 ck_all_on_width1[5:0]
W_D(0x02); //4 ck_all_on_width2[5:0]
W_D(0x03); //5 ck_all_on_width3[5:0]
W_D(0x07); //6 ys_flag_period[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //7 ys_2
W_D(0x00); //8 user_gip_gate1_2[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //9 ck_all_on_width1_2[5:0]
W_D(0x00); //10 ck_all_on_width2_2[5:0]
W_D(0x00); //11 ck_all_on_width3_2[5:0]
W_D(0x00); //12 ys_flag_period_2[7:0]
W_D(0x81); //13 COS1_L[3:0] );W_D(COS2_L[3:0] );W_D(// VSTF4U VSTF2U
W_D(0x88); //14 COS3_L[3:0] );W_D(COS4_L[3:0] );W_D(//
W_D(0xBA); //15 COS5_L[3:0] );W_D(COS6_L[3:0] );W_D(// FLCA FLCB
W_D(0x17); //16 COS7_L[3:0] );W_D(COS8_L[3:0] );W_D(// VCK1 VCK3
W_D(0x53); //17 COS9_L[3:0] );W_D(COS10_L[3:0]);W_D(// VCK5 VCL7
W_D(0x88); //18 COS11_L[3:0]);W_D(COS12_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //19 COS13_L[3:0]);W_D(COS14_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //20 COS15_L[3:0]);W_D(COS16_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //21 COS17_L[3:0]);W_D(COS18_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //22 COS19_L[3:0]);W_D(COS20_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //23 COS21_L[3:0]);W_D(COS22_L[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x80); //24 COS1_R[3:0] );W_D(COS2_R[3:0] );W_D(// VSTF3U VSTF1U
W_D(0x88); //25 COS3_R[3:0] );W_D(COS4_R[3:0] );W_D(//
W_D(0xBA); //26 COS5_R[3:0] );W_D(COS6_R[3:0] );W_D(// FLCA FLCB
W_D(0x06); //27 COS7_R[3:0] );W_D(COS8_R[3:0] );W_D(// VCK2 VCK4
W_D(0x42); //28 COS9_R[3:0] );W_D(COS10_R[3:0]);W_D(// VCK6 VCK8
W_D(0x88); //29 COS11_R[3:0]);W_D(COS12_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //30 COS13_R[3:0]);W_D(COS14_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //31 COS15_R[3:0]);W_D(COS16_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //32 COS17_R[3:0]);W_D(COS18_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //33 COS19_R[3:0]);W_D(COS20_R[3:0]);W_D(//
W_D(0x88); //34 COS21_R[3:0]);W_D(COS22_R[3:0]);W_D(
W_D(0x23); //35 EQOPT );W_D( EQ_SEL
W_D(0x00); //36 EQ_DELAY[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //37 EQ_DELAY_HSYNC [3:0]
W_D(0x02); //38 HSYNC_TO_CL1_CNT9[8]
W_D(0x80); //39 HSYNC_TO_CL1_CNT9[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //40 HIZ_L
W_D(0x00); //41 HIZ_R
W_D(0x00); //42 CKS_GS[21:16]
W_D(0x00); //43 CKS_GS[15:8]
W_D(0x00); //44 CKS_GS[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //45 CK_MSB_EN[21:16]
W_D(0x00); //46 CK_MSB_EN[15:8]
W_D(0x00); //47 CK_MSB_EN[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //48 CK_MSB_EN_GS[21:16]
W_D(0x00); //49 CK_MSB_EN_GS[15:8]
W_D(0x00); //50 CK_MSB_EN_GS[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //51 SHR2[11:8]
W_D(0x00); //52 SHR2[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //53 SHR2_1[3:0] SHR2_2
W_D(0x00); //54 SHR2_3[3:0]
W_D(0x00); //55 SHP1[3:0]);W_D(x
W_D(0x00); //56 SPON1[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //57 SPOFF1[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //58 SHP2[3:0]
W_D(0x00); //59 SPON2[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //60 SPOFF2[7:0]
W_D(0x00); //61 SPOFF2[9:8]/SPON2[9:8]/SPOFF1[9:8]/SPON1[9:8]
GP_COMMAD_PA(4);W_D(0xEF); //
W_D(0xFF); //1
W_D(0xFF); //2
W_D(0x01); //3
GP_COMMAD_PA(1);W_D(0x11); //Sleep Out
delay_ms(250); //150
GP_COMMAD_PA(1);W_D(0x29); //Display On
delay_ms(50);0 -
Thank you for your response. Could you specify the name of the driver associated with the initialization sequence you sent me?
I want to use an NXP i.MX8M Mini to interact with the screen. If I understand correctly, I will need to send a similar initialization sequence through a 1-lane MIPI DSI.
0 -
Hi Julo,
Thank you for the additional information about your controller. After reviewing the product details for the i.MX 8M Mini, I see that the multimedia subsystem has support for 4-lane MIPI DSI, can you confirm if this available for you?
0 -
Yes the 4-lane MIPI DSI is available for me.0 -
Hi Julo,
The associated driver for the initialization code is for a MIPI Master Bridge from Solomon SysTech: SSD2828QN4.
That being the case, can you provide a bit more detail as why you will need to send the initialization over single lane as opposed to the 4-lane DSI lines available by the NTX controller?
0 -
Thank you for the response.
I just don't understand what the default configuration of the screen is. If it's not 4-lane DSI, how do I send the command SETMIPI in order to enable the 4-lane DSI.
0 -
Hi Julo,
For the display and the prior initialization code, the default setting is for 4-lane MIPI DSI. This lane selection is described in the display specification for the Interface Selection shown by the tables below. The SETMIPI command (BAh) determines the number of lanes by setting of the lower 2-bits resulting in hex values of 31 to 33.
In the example initialization sequence which I previously provided, the default interface setting is show by the command line below for a default setting of 4-lane MIPI DSI.
GP_COMMAD_PA(28);W_D(0xBA); /// Set DSI
W_D(0x33); //1//33:4Lane);W_D(32:3LaneWith that stated, I would like further clarification regarding your current connections to the display. Can you send us a screenshot of your schematic to our support email at nhtech@newhavendisplay.com so we can better assist you?
0 -
Thank so much for your assistance. Your help as resolved my issue, and I don't require any further support at this time.
Have a great day0 -
We were happy to assist you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.
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