LCD compatibility



  • Engineering Support
    Community moderator

    Hi Dan,

    The NHD-320240WG-ATMI-TZ# is a comparable display, but not a drop in replacement. While our display is of similar specification, this model does not include the resistive touch feature and will have a different pinout than the LM3201921 display.

  • Dan e Smith

    thankyou, the touch digitiser is seperate anyway so thats not an issue, Are you saying the pinout is different but with rewiring it wound be compatible or doe it have completely different input specs?

  • Engineering Support
    Community moderator

    Hi Dan,

    Yes, the specifications for the input display are all similar to ourNHD-320240WG-ATMI-TZ#. However, as I am not able to confirm the controller IC used by the LM3201921, I cannot confidently state their compatibility.

    That said, please refer to the table below as reference for how the pin connections correlate. Please note that the LM3201921 does not have a V0 pin for the contrast adjustment. Also,



    Pin 1 - DB0

    Pin 6 - D0

    Pin 2 - DB1

    Pin 7 - D1

    Pin 3 - DB2

    Pin 8 - D2

    Pin 4 - DB3

    Pin 9 - D3

    Pin 5 - DISP OFF

    Pin 5 - DISP OFF

    Pin 6 - FLM

    Pin 1 - S

    Pin 7 -

    Pin 4 -

    Pin 8 - LP

    Pin 2 - CP1

    Pin 9 - CP

    Pin 3 - CP2

    Pin 10 - VDD

    Pin 10 - VDD

    Pin 11 - VSS

    Pin 11 - VSS

    Pin 12- VEE

    Pin 12 - VEE

    Pin 13 - V0


    Pin 14 -



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