Interfacing NHD-2.7-12864WDW3 OLED display having SSD1322 controller with STM32F407G-DISC1
I want to interface NHD-2.7-12864WDW3 OLED display having SSD1322 controller with STM32F407G-DISC1.
I am doing 3 wire SPI Communication, So i have connected all 20 PINS as follows:
Pin1 ---> GND
Pin2 ---> 3V
Pin3 ---> NC (No connection)
Pin4 ---> PD9 (DC; GPIO_Output, assigned by cubeide)
Pin5 ---> GND
Pin6 ---> GND
Pin7 ---> PA5 (SCLK; SPI1_SCK, assigned by coubide)
Pin8 ---> PA7 (SDIN; SPI1_MOSI, assigned by coubide)
Pin9 ---> NC (No connection)
Pin10 ---> GND
Pin11 ---> GND
Pin12 ---> GND
Pin13 ---> GND
Pin14 ---> GND
Pin15 ---> NC (No connection)
Pin16 ---> PB12 (RES; GPIO_Output, assigned by cubeide)
Pin17 ---> PB13 (CS; GPIO_Output, assigned by cubeide)
Pin18 ---> PB14 (SHDN; GPIO_Output, assigned by cubeide)
Pin19 ---> PB15 (BS1; GPIO_Output, assigned by cubeide)
Pin20 ---> PD8 (BS0; GPIO_Output, assigned by cubeide)
After writing the sample code also the OLED display is still dead.
What is the solution? What can i do next?
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