Starting to Make UI of my HMI Display.
Hi , I have bought 3 displays of Different sizes 2 Capacitive and 1 resistive for sample testing. We may have big application coming in future. But i am not getting the proper documentations. My displays bought are
NHD-7.0-800480FT-CTXL-T-ND - resistive
NHD-7.0-800480FT-CTXL-T-ND - Capacitive
In my application, i want to control the devices using ESP microcontroller. Its like a ON/OFF command send through display into my GPIO's, exactly similar to a HMI controller. How can i program my display according to that?
Please tell me pin pointed way to start development of simple button based UI in my application. Since i am not sure who is manufacturer, who is distributor . All of them have different sheets. Extremely confusing. Examples becomes useless because you don't have examples for the different IDE's . If you have that code doesn't support the microcontroller.
Help me here.
Is there any software tool used to design the UI and start control.
Hi Prateek,
Unfortunately, we do not currently have any sample code available for the ESP microcontroller. However, you can use the EVE Screen Editor (ESE) from Bridgetek. This platform-independent tool allows for screen design without the need to consider the specific details of the MCU. Additionally, it offers the option to export the design to source code that is specific to various hardware platforms. If you wish, you can refer to a library that is available for the ESP microcontroller which utilizes the Gameduino library for code development. You can also refer to the Bridgetek EVE Software Examples page for additional resources.
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