EVE2 Git repository proting for PIC32MZ,NHD-7.0-800480FT-CSXV-CTP



  • Paul_B

    Morning Marc,

    Thanks for reaching out, I believe FTDI recently released a Library for the PIC MCUs (see link below).


  • Paul_B

    Lastly, would it be possible for you to try a fresh install of the latest Arduino IDE?

    Arduino files are found in 3 locations: The installation folder, the sketchbook folder, and the Arduino15 folder. The installation folder should be removed when you uninstall but the other two folders remain so you will need to remove those also to get a completely clean install. The Arduino15 folder is located at:

    On Mac OS X:

    On Windows:
    Arduino IDE 1.6.5r5 and previous:
    Arduino IDE 1.6.6 and later:

    On Linux:
    /home/(username)/.arduino15    (a.k.a. ~/.arduino15)

    If you delete this folder then you will need to reinstall any Boards you have installed using Boards Manager after you reinstall the Arduino IDE.

    The sketchbook folder location is set in File > Preferences if you have any sketches or libraries that you want to save in there then back them up before removing it.

  • mrupprath

    Hello Paul,
    thanks for your help,it compiles now but the display remains black

    I noticed the follwoing:
    When i connect the backlickt to +.3.3V  Backlight is turned on
    When i then connect pin1 to +3.3 Volt backlickt is switched of.
    Display is dark
    I measured the current on the Pin 1; it is ca 30mA

    I something wrong with my display or is this a normal behaviour on "power up" ?

    According to the Examples for the 7 inch modules:
    I missed a dicument wich SPI pins are used on the arduino.

    Where to find this in the examples ?

    Thanks again


  • Paul_B

    Morning Marc,

    Good news, sounds like we are making some progress  

    On the Arduino Uno and compatible boards the following pins used are:

    // MOSI (11)
    // MISO (12)
    // SCK  (13)

    #define FT800_CS                 (10)
    #define FT800_INT                (9)
    #define FT800_PD_N               (8)
    #define FT_SDCARD_CS             (5)

    The pin assignments are located in FT_Platform.h

  • Paul_B

    Please note that we sell a Arduino Shield for the EVE2 TFT Modules.


    IMPORTANT: If you are trying to connect the bare EVE2 TFT Module to a 5V system (i.e. Arduino Uno) without a logic level converter this could damage the device.

  • mrupprath

    Does the  NHD-FT81x-SHIELD support the Arduino due, and do i have to make changes on the example code when using the icsp header for SPI ?


  • Paul_B

    Since you are utilizing the Arduino Due you can safety interface directly to the EVE2 TFT Modules without a logic level converter.

    Please note that the NHD-FT81x-SHIELD features a logic level converter for the classic Arduinos (UNO/MEGA/Diecimila). If you utilize the shield this will be redundant since the Due's logic is already 3.3V.

    The EVE2 example code on our Github page was originally written for the classic Arduinos (UNO/MEGA/Diecimila... etc). I believe the example Sketches use direct pin manipulation to make things faster. However the Due is a completely different architecture to the Uno, so direct pin manipulation is done differently. Modification to the example code maybe required in order for it to compile.


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