TFT LCD pixels sticking / burning
In my application, the same data will/can be kept on the TFT LCD display for a long time e.g couple of days or even for months and I can't run any screen saver. I have read that this cause pixel burn or damage.
So, Is there any solution (other than Dimming backlight or to run screen saver) to avoid display or pixel burns.?
Does NewHaven offer any solution in terms of Industrial Grade Displays for Panel Monitoring with long long life ( Back-light as well as pixel safety)?.
Is there Monochrome LCD Touch Technology free of this bug/problem of pixel damage ?
Best Regards,
The only way to reduce burn in with any display would be to effectively reduce how long you are displaying the same image on the display by use of screen savers, turning off the display, changing the image, etc. We do not offer any Industrial Grade Displays for Panel Monitoring with long life, but I have yet to hear any customers comment/complain about burn-in with our TFTs. As for your last question about Monochrome LCD Touch Technology free of this bug/problem of pixel damage, I cannot say for certain but we have not heard any complaints with any of our monochrome LCDs regarding this issue.
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