NHD-0216CW-AY3 8-bit Parallel 8080, Text on Display Issue
For the 8080 Series running 3.3V, does the Enable(/RD) Pin need to be toggled high -> low? Right now I have it tied to ground, but whenever I update my code, the text starts printing from right to left and the text is mirrored. But when I reset the power, the text prints correctly. However, the first 4 text doesn't appear i.e. instead of "TESTSTRNG" it'll print "STRNG" (I'm assuming it is a timing issue). Currently, I am trying to get the display to show all blocks, but my display is showing "alpha" (ROM C) and only displaying it on the top row. I'm using the sample init code provided in the datasheet.
/CS,/REGVDD are tied to ground.
edit: /E(/RD) tied high
Thank you
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You are correct about the Enable Pin, it has to be toggled from HIGH to LOW to show the data on the display. This might solve your text being cutoff issue as you currently have no trigger to latch the data to the display. Otherwise you can try using a longer delay before sending the data to the port. Can you post how you have your other pins configured?
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BS2 = high
BS1 = high
BS0 = low
DB0-DB7 connected to MPU
R/W connected to MPU
RES connected to MPU
D/C connected to MPU
VDD connected to 3.3V
E was tied HIGH (made mistake on previous post) currently working on connecting to MPU« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 06:19:08 PM by fortey »0 -
I assume you've connected Chip Select (CS) on pin 15 as well since you get something on the display. (Display on when LOW and display off when HIGH in case you were wondering)
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Yes the Chip Select pin is tied to ground.
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On page 15 of the datasheet https://newhavendisplay.com/content/specs/NHD-0216CW-AY3.pdf
The 8080-Series doesn't have timing information about the Enable(/RD) Pin. Also does the /CS need to be toggled in this case? Or can we keep it tied low?
We are ONLY to writing data to the display.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 01:56:45 PM by fortey »0 -
As long as the display is not sharing any of the DB0-DB7 pins with another device, then you can leave CS tied to ground. CS is used so that you could connect multiple displays to the same data lines and simply toggle CS to LOW when you want that device to receive data.
The timing diagram for RD is on page 15 of the specification sheet.
Have you gotten your display to work properly?0 -
Nope the display is still the same. We are only writing to the display, and there is no info about what to do with the E/RD pin during the write cycle. Can we just tie that high?
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Yes, if you're not going to read anything then you can tie that high.
Have you written your own initialization code? The OLED displays may be compatible with LCDs but they require a specialized initialization sequence to properly work. You can find some sample code at the end of the specification sheet.0 -
I'm using the sample code given at the end of the datasheet. The only different is that I've added delays after each command and data function.
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So how are you handling the R/W pin (which becomes the WR pin in 8080 mode) ? That pin you should start at HIGH and then when you write something to the display, toggle it to LOW.
I will also post a follow up the next day on my end to see if I can get it to work and then post my own code for you. Mine will be based on the Arduino but I'll be using C code and none of the built in functions ;)0 -
Thanks Ratheesh.
WR# starts HIGH, D/C# is selected (starts HIGH or LOW depending on command or data), WR# goes LOW, Data goes in, WR# goes HIGH. Of course with appropriate delays in between.0 -
I finally got some time to write the code. It is based off an Arduina Mega 2560 without the built-in commands. Here:
//Pure Port Manipulation Only! C code FTW!
//Arduino built-in commands, HAH!
//Those .h files have been benched!!
/* Humans, this code has been setup for an Arduino MEGA 2650.
Because the Awesome Programmer is not relying on built-in
commands of the Arduino, it should be pretty easy to
transfer to another development board if need be.
Now for the pin setup (5V Arduino power in 8-bit 8080 mode):
Arduino OLED Board
NC 2 (VDD)
5V 3 (REGVDD) to use 5V
49 4 (D/C)
48 5 (/WR replaces R/W)
47 6 (/RD replaces E)
22 7 (DB0)
23 8 (DB1)
24 9 (DB2)
25 10 (DB3)
26 11 (DB4)
27 12 (DB5)
28 13 (DB6)
29 14 (DB7)
37 15 (CS) always low since only one display
36 16 (RES) always high since no need to reset
35 17 (BS0)
34 18 (BS1)
33 19 (BS2)
GND 20 (VSS)
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
DDRC |= B00011111; //Pins 33-37 are outputs
DDRA = 0xFF; //All output pins
DDRL |= B00000111; //Pins 47-49 are outputs
PORTC |= B00011010; //Display Pins 15-19 set
PORTL |= B00000110; //RD and /WR to HIGH
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
command(0x01); // Clear Screen
char message[] = " NewHaven Display ";
char message2[] = " International ";
command(0x02); // Brings The Cursor to Home Position
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
command(0xC0); // Brings The Cursor to Home Position
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
void initializeLCD(){
delay(1); //delay
command(0x2A); //function set (extended command set)
command(0x71); //function selection A
data(0x5C); // Set 5V on REGVDD
command(0x28); //function set (fundamental command set)
command(0x08); //display off, cursor off, blink off
command(0x2A); //function set (extended command set)
command(0x79); //OLED command set enabled
command(0xD5); //set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
command(0x70); //set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
command(0x78); //OLED command set disabled
command(0x08); //extended function set (2‐lines)
command(0x06); //COM SEG direction
command(0x72); //function selection B
data(0x40); //ROM CGRAM selection
command(0x2A); //function set (extended command set)
command(0x79); //OLED command set enabled
command(0xDA); //set SEG pins hardware configuration
command(0x10); //set SEG pins hardware configuration
command(0xDC); //function selection C
command(0x00); //function selection C
command(0x81); //set contrast control
command(0x7F); //set contrast control
command(0xD9); //set phase length
command(0xF1); //set phase length
command(0xDB); //set VCOMH deselect level
command(0x40); //set VCOMH deselect level
command(0x78); //OLED command set disabled
command(0x28); //function set (fundamental command set)
command(0x01); //clear display
command(0x80); //set DDRAM address to 0x00
command(0x0C); //display ON
delay(100); //delay
void command(unsigned char c){ //To send commands
PORTA = c; //command on port
PORTL &= ~B00000001; //D/C set to LOW for command
PORTL &= ~B00000010; //WR set to LOW for latching
PORTL |= B00000010; //Back to normal
void data(unsigned char d){ //To send data
PORTA = d; //data on port
PORTL |= B00000001; //D/C set to HIGH for data
PORTL &= ~B00000010; //WR set to LOW for latching
PORTL |= B00000010; //Back to normal
}0 -
Thanks Retheesh!
I was choosing the D/C line before entering the data. The display works properly now!0 -
Glad to hear you got it working :)
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