NHD-7.0-800480FT-CSXV-T EVE2 Interface
We've previously used a 5.7" 320x240 TFT w/ SSD1963 successfully from New Haven.
Now we need a bigger screen and are evaluating the 7.0 inch Premium EVE2 Resistive TFT Module.
I've written my own driver using the PIC32 and can get text and lines up successfully. The graphics layer I'm reusing from the SSD1963 needs a put pixel function.
This put pixel function is called when we draw bitmaps on the screen. The bitmaps were 320x240 on the prior project, but could be up to 800x480 for this project.
Is it possible to put up a bitmap of this size with the EVE2 with no tearing effect?
The command buffer wouldn't be large enough from what I understand to hold 800x480 pixels.
Is there another way besides using the display list?
This was taken care of through email.
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