Example code for 5.7" TFT - NHD-5.7-640480WF-CTXI.
//--------------------------------------------------------- /* SSD1963_8-bit Program for writing to Newhaven Display 5.7" TFT 640x480 (c) Newhaven Display International, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ //--------------------------------------------------------- #include <reg52.h> #include <stdio.h> // define I/O functions #include <INTRINS.H> // KEIL FUNCTION sbit RS = P3^0; sbit nWR = P3^7; sbit nRD = P3^4; sbit CS = P3^1; sbit DOWN = P3^6; sbit RIGHT = P3^2; sbit RESET = P3^5; //unsigned char code pic[9600]; //======================================= delayms(int n) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) {for(j=0;j<1000;j++) {;} } } //;****************************************************************************** Write_Command(unsigned char command) { nRD = 1; P1 = command; RS = 0; nWR = 0; CS = 0; CS = 1; nWR = 1; } //;****************************************************************************** Write_Data(unsigned char data1) { nRD = 1; P1 = data1; RS = 1; nWR = 0; CS = 0; CS = 1; nWR = 1; } //==================================================== Command_Write(unsigned char REG,unsigned char VALUE) { Write_Command(REG); Write_Data(VALUE); } //====================================================== SendData(unsigned long color) { Write_Data((color)>>16); //red Write_Data((color)>>8); //green Write_Data(color); //blue } //====================================================== // initialize controller //====================================================== void Init_SSD1963 (void) { RESET = 0; delayms(5); RESET = 1; DOWN = 0; RIGHT = 1; delayms(100); Write_Command(0x01); //Software Reset Write_Command(0x01); Write_Command(0x01); delayms(10); Command_Write(0xe0,0x01); //START PLL Command_Write(0xe0,0x03); //LOCK PLL Write_Command(0xb0); //SET LCD MODE SET TFT 18Bits MODE Write_Data(0x0c); //SET TFT MODE & hsync+Vsync+DEN MODE Write_Data(0x80); //SET TFT MODE & hsync+Vsync+DEN MODE Write_Data(0x02); //SET horizontal size=640-1 HightByte Write_Data(0x7f); //SET horizontal size=640-1 LowByte Write_Data(0x01); //SET vertical size=480-1 HightByte Write_Data(0xdf); //SET vertical size=480-1 LowByte Write_Data(0x00); //SET even/odd line RGB seq.=RGB Command_Write(0xf0,0x00); //SET pixel data I/F format=8bit Command_Write(0x3a,0x60); // SET R G B format = 6 6 6 Write_Command(0xe6); //SET PCLK freq=4.94MHz ; pixel clock frequency Write_Data(0x02); Write_Data(0xff); Write_Data(0xff); Write_Command(0xb4); //SET HBP, Write_Data(0x02); //SET HSYNC Total=760 Write_Data(0xf8); Write_Data(0x00); //SET HBP 68 Write_Data(0x44); Write_Data(0x0f); //SET VBP 16=15+1 Write_Data(0x00); //SET Hsync pulse start position Write_Data(0x00); Write_Data(0x00); //SET Hsync pulse subpixel start position Write_Command(0xb6); //SET VBP, Write_Data(0x01); //SET Vsync total Write_Data(0xf8); Write_Data(0x00); //SET VBP=19 Write_Data(0x13); Write_Data(0x07); //SET Vsync pulse 8=7+1 Write_Data(0x00); //SET Vsync pulse start position Write_Data(0x00); Write_Command(0x2a); //SET column address Write_Data(0x00); //SET start column address=0 Write_Data(0x00); Write_Data(0x02); //SET end column address=639 Write_Data(0x7f); Write_Command(0x2b); //SET page address Write_Data(0x00); //SET start page address=0 Write_Data(0x00); Write_Data(0x01); //SET end page address=479 Write_Data(0xdf); Write_Command(0x29); //SET display on } //====================================================== WindowSet(unsigned int s_x,unsigned int e_x,unsigned int s_y,unsigned int e_y) { Write_Command(0x2a); //SET page address Write_Data((s_x)>>8); //SET start page address=0 Write_Data(s_x); Write_Data((e_x)>>8); //SET end page address=639 Write_Data(e_x); Write_Command(0x2b); //SET column address Write_Data((s_y)>>8); //SET start column address=0 Write_Data(s_y); Write_Data((e_y)>>8); //SET end column address=479 Write_Data(e_y); } //======================================= FULL_ON(unsigned long dat) { unsigned char x,y; WindowSet(0x0000,0x027f,0x0000,0x01df); Write_Command(0x2c); for(x=0;x<480;x++) { for(y= 0;y<640;y++) { SendData(dat); } } } //======================================= QUADS() { unsigned int i,j; WindowSet(0x0000,0x027f,0x0000,0x01df); Write_Command(0x2c); for(j= 0 ;j<240;j++) { for(i=0;i<320;i++) { SendData(0x0000FF); //blue } for(i=0;i<320;i++) { SendData(0xFF0000); //red } } for(j= 0 ;j<240;j++) { for(i=0;i<320;i++) { SendData(0xFFFF00); //yellow } for(i=0;i<320;i++) { SendData(0x00FF00); //green } } } //======================================= void main() { while(1){ Init_SSD1963(); delayms(5); QUADS(); FULL_ON(0x0000ff); //blue } }