Example code for Newhaven OLED displays NHD-0216MW/ 0216CW/ 0220CW/ 0420CW.
#include <reg52.h>
sbit R_S = P3^0;
sbit R_W = P3^7;
sbit E = P3^4;
sbit C_S = P3^3;
sbit RES = P3^5;
sbit BS0 = P3^2;
sbit BS1 = P3^6;
sbit BS2 = P3^1;
char const text1[] = {"Newhaven Display~XXX"};
char const text2[] = {"Character OLED~XXXXX"};
void Delayms(int n){
int i;
int j;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<1000;j++)
void command(char i){
P1 = i;
P3_0 =0;
P3_7 =0;
P3_4 = 1;
P3_4 = 0;
void write(char i){
P1 = i;
P3_0 =1;
P3_7 =0;
P3_4 = 1;
P3_4 = 0;
void init(){
E = 0;
command(0x2A); //function set (extended command set)
command(0x71); //function selection A
write(0x00); //disable internal Vdd regualtor
command(0x28); //function set (fundamental command set)
command(0x08); //display off, cursor off, blink off
command(0x2A); //function set (extended command set)
command(0x79); //OLED command set enabled
command(0xD5); //set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
command(0x70); //set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
command(0x78); //OLED command set disabled
command(0x09); //extended function set (4-lines)
command(0x06); //COM SEG direction
command(0x72); //function selection B, disable internal Vdd regualtor
write(0x00); //ROM CGRAM selection
command(0x2A); //function set (extended command set)
command(0x79); //OLED command set enabled
command(0xDA); //set SEG pins hardware configuration
command(0x00); //set SEG pins hardware configuration ////////////////////////////////////0x10 on other slim char OLEDs
command(0xDC); //function selection C
command(0x00); //function selection C
command(0x81); //set contrast control
command(0x7F); //set contrast control
command(0xD9); //set phase length
command(0xF1); //set phase length
command(0xDB); //set VCOMH deselect level
command(0x40); //set VCOMH deselect level
command(0x78); //OLED command set disabled
command(0x28); //function set (fundamental command set)
command(0x01); //clear display
command(0x80); //set DDRAM address to 0x00
command(0x0C); //display ON
void disp(){
int i;
for (i=0;i<20;i++){
for (i=0;i<20;i++){
void main(void) {
C_S = 0;
RES = 1;
BS0 = 0;
BS1 = 0;
BS2 = 1;
Header file for generic 80C52 and 80C32 microcontroller.
Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc.
All rights reserved.
#ifndef __REG52_H__
#define __REG52_H__
/* BYTE Registers */
sfr P0 = 0x80;
sfr P1 = 0x90;
sfr P2 = 0xA0;
sfr P3 = 0xB0;
sfr PSW = 0xD0;
sfr ACC = 0xE0;
sfr B = 0xF0;
sfr SP = 0x81;
sfr DPL = 0x82;
sfr DPH = 0x83;
sfr PCON = 0x87;
sfr TCON = 0x88;
sfr TMOD = 0x89;
sfr TL0 = 0x8A;
sfr TL1 = 0x8B;
sfr TH0 = 0x8C;
sfr TH1 = 0x8D;
sfr IE = 0xA8;
sfr IP = 0xB8;
sfr SCON = 0x98;
sfr SBUF = 0x99;
/* 8052 Extensions */
sfr T2CON = 0xC8;
sfr RCAP2L = 0xCA;
sfr RCAP2H = 0xCB;
sfr TL2 = 0xCC;
sfr TH2 = 0xCD;
/* BIT Registers */
/* PSW */
sbit CY = PSW^7;
sbit AC = PSW^6;
sbit F0 = PSW^5;
sbit RS1 = PSW^4;
sbit RS0 = PSW^3;
sbit OV = PSW^2;
sbit P = PSW^0; //8052 only
/* TCON */
sbit TF1 = TCON^7;
sbit TR1 = TCON^6;
sbit TF0 = TCON^5;
sbit TR0 = TCON^4;
sbit IE1 = TCON^3;
sbit IT1 = TCON^2;
sbit IE0 = TCON^1;
sbit IT0 = TCON^0;
/* IE */
sbit EA = IE^7;
sbit ET2 = IE^5; //8052 only
sbit ES = IE^4;
sbit ET1 = IE^3;
sbit EX1 = IE^2;
sbit ET0 = IE^1;
sbit EX0 = IE^0;
/* IP */
sbit PT2 = IP^5;
sbit PS = IP^4;
sbit PT1 = IP^3;
sbit PX1 = IP^2;
sbit PT0 = IP^1;
sbit PX0 = IP^0;
/* P3 */
sbit RD = P3^7;
sbit WR = P3^6;
sbit T1 = P3^5;
sbit T0 = P3^4;
sbit INT1 = P3^3;
sbit INT0 = P3^2;
sbit TXD = P3^1;
sbit RXD = P3^0;
/* SCON */
sbit SM0 = SCON^7;
sbit SM1 = SCON^6;
sbit SM2 = SCON^5;
sbit REN = SCON^4;
sbit TB8 = SCON^3;
sbit RB8 = SCON^2;
sbit TI = SCON^1;
sbit RI = SCON^0;
/* P1 */
sbit T2EX = P1^1; // 8052 only
sbit T2 = P1^0; // 8052 only
/* T2CON */
sbit TF2 = T2CON^7;
sbit EXF2 = T2CON^6;
sbit RCLK = T2CON^5;
sbit TCLK = T2CON^4;
sbit EXEN2 = T2CON^3;
sbit TR2 = T2CON^2;
sbit C_T2 = T2CON^1;
sbit CP_RL2 = T2CON^0;