NHD-C12864A1Z-FSRGB-FBW-HT1 boost speed (clear to black and black to clear)



  • Saurabh_B


    There is a command to turn all points on.

    Using command #10, 0xA5 will turn all points of the display ON.
    You can reverse this by using 0xA4 (Normal display).

  • facotl


    Thank you for the response.
    Maybe i not explicated my problem very well.
    It's not a full screen of one color. It's an industrial display and i wish to update strings up to 3 to 4 times per second with a good lisibility. I noticed that when i draw a new string, time to be "clear" is around an half of second.

  • Saurabh_B

    Would it be possible to share the segments of code that write the pixels and clear the display.

    The clear and fill could possibly be sped up by speeding up how fast you write to the display.

    The display has a 400 ns Serial clock period, and theoretically you could fill the whole display in about 3ms.
    If you are calling for delays within the write command this could greatly reduce the time it takes clear or fill the screen.

  • facotl

    It's about the pixel reactivity. I measured with scopemeter and i fill all the screen in about 10 ms. But the pixels that change from clear to black looks leasy (you can see the grey transition). The ones that change from black to clear are fast enough (you don't see the transition).


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