NHD-0216AW-SB3 - issue with writing characters to screen



  • MrFrangipane

    Hi everyone,

    I have the exact same problem. I tired with an Arduino Pro Micro and then with an Arduino Uno (and the canonical NHD_US2066 driver found on github : https://github.com/NewhavenDisplay/NHD_US2066)

    I managed to change the contrast value of the screen, so it seems that command sending is working. But data sending is not.

    I read the datasheets, the US2066 specs, and search a lot on the internet, unable to find any answers, except this post, that states the same problem I am facing.

    PS : the screen operates at 5V, the solder pin is closed
    PS2 : the screen is IB3 and used with the I2C interface

    Thank you in advance for your help 

    Edit : I just tried with the libraries provided here https://nhdforum.newhavendisplay.com/index.php?topic=5824.msg10670#msg10670 and get the same result, I'm beginning to think that the device is faulty

  • k.haber

    Hi, I have same story here! Are any ideas available? regards KH

  • Zach P
    NHD Staff
    Hi KH,

    What voltages levels and communication interface are you using?

  • k.haber


    Thanks for your response!
    3V3 and SPI.

    regards, KH

  • Zach P
    NHD Staff

    Hi KH,

    Linked below is an example code for our 0420CW and should offer as a good reference for SPI since both displays use the US2066 IC. Can you try and make appropriated code changes to see if the communication works properly with the display.

    Example Code:https://github.com/NewhavenDisplay/NHD-0420CW-Slim-OLED/blob/main/NHD%200420CW%20DemoCode/SlimOLED0420CWDemoCode.ino


  • k.haber


    Thanks for your information!

    I think communication with the display works 100 percent,
    because I can set contrast, cursor and more...

    I have adopted the "new" code, but I still have the same
    effect that the characters are "split in two".

    In the meantime I believe that the diplays have a production error!?

    best regards, KH

  • k.haber


    I have now ordered a display with an SSD1311 (same register setup as controller US2066).
    And look this dispaly is runnig well immediately, with the same firmware!

    So I think the NHD-0216AW-SB3 is broken why ever...

    regards, KH

  • Zach P
    NHD Staff

    Hi KH,

    The likely area of concern would be either the clock cycle or data lines.  A pull-up resistor on SCL and SDI would be the best action to test further in this issue occurs again.


  • martinsaw01

    I have now ordered a display with an SSD1311 (same register setup as controller US2066).

  • Andreas Michaelides

    I had the same problem and finally, I managed to fix it.

    In my case, I was trying to interface the NHD-0216AW-IB3 display with an ESP32-PICO-D4.

    I achieved that by modifying the .cpp and .h files of the library that the company provides (Essentially by changing the pin map in the .h file and commending out case 0 and case 2 from .cpp along with anything that had to do with SPI and 8-Bit transmission - also changed the mode from 0 to 1 in line 4).

    The split screen issue was solved by making a slight modification inside void init_oled() in the .cpp file.

    Basically, I replaced command(0x10) with command(0x00). That fixed the split screen issue.


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