Sample Code Question for NHD‐C0220BiZ‐FS(RGB)‐FBW‐3VM LCD



  • Michael_L

    Sorry for any confusion!  Sometimes the function set command is issued twice to "wake up" the controller, but there is no real significance why it is 0x38 first, and 0x39 after, since the 0x39 overwrites the 0x38.  In any case, the code is meant to be used as an example of how to get the display up and running, and is not meant to serve as the only, or even optimal, way of initializing the display for every application.  Do you have the display working?  Also, I agree, comments are always helpful.  Much of our example code is commented, but unfortunately not all.  If you are curious about these particular commands, you may refer to the ST7036 datasheet, here:

    Pages 26 & 27 will show the table of commands, and pages 28 - 35 will explain each one in detail.

  • SteveC


    Thank you for the post explaining the function set command. I have the LCD basically working but I'm now trying to blink a particular character. I believe I have a solution but it will take me a few days to implement. Thank you for your suggestions.


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